Dear Students, Teachers, Parents and Well Wishers,
Hope you all are staying positive and hopeful in this very challenging era in our country. On top of the challenges in our own country, the war between Russia and Ukraine too is creating very high levels of uncertainty at a Global level. However, it is paramount that we always maintain a positive outlook, celebrate the little achievements and forge forward with tasks at hand. With this attitude we were able to achieve many positive milestones and targets which we would like to humbly declare in this edition of the newsletter.
During the month of February, we were able to success fully complete the Cambridge standard’ science labs (Biology, Chemistry and Physics) as well as the new General Science lab. No doubt that this will not only help with greater student experiences in learning and practicals’ but also enable us to eventually obtain Cambridge examination center status in the very near future. Further we were able to complete and start our new library which is modern and with many new titles, to ensure that our students get the opportunity to become wide based readers and lifelong learners.
For the Pre-schoolers, this was indeed a month of many fun activities with various themes that were both enjoyable and engaging for them and only possible as everyone ensured to follow all Covid safety protocols. As such I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for helping us to keep the school physically opened (which is what enabled us to do all this for the students) and would like to remind everyone the importance of vaccination and continuing with Covid safety measures.
Further this month, we completed registering our students for the Checkpoint exams and May 2022 Cambridge GCE O-levels and AS and A-levels. The next three-month period will be very critical for them and we would like to remind parents to help us by minimizing distractions and giving them the best possible learning environments at home.
Towards the end of the month, we were also able to conduct a unique multi-religious program completely online with clergy from all four religions talking on the theme of “Living in Harmony”. The topic will aid our students to understand one another better which is vital for them in future. This was the first of many such programs we intend on doing in future as we believe education should be holistic and reach out beyond merely the subject syllabuses. During the final day of the month, we will be starting the mid-
terms and I take this opportunity to wish all students the best of luck! Remember education is the biggest asset of your life probably after good health!
I also take this opportunity to convey my gratitude to all staff and parents for their continued support towards continuity of education despite all prevailing challenges in the country! Stay strong, positive and hopeful as always!
Mr. Malith Kumarasinghe (MBA[UK], BA (Hons [UK])
Coordinating Principal
Wycherley International School, Gampaha